Pilates Shown to Be Effective in Treating Lower Back Pain


Image: prevention.com

The recipient of a master’s in education from Fordham University, Nanci Perle Kushner is a skilled Pilates instructor who most recently taught at her own studio in Cresskill, New Jersey. Nanci Kushner enjoyed working closely with clients through private, semiprivate, and duet classes to help them achieve their personal goals. Pilates has a wide range of benefits for people who practice it, including helping with lower back pain.

A recent study in Complementary Therapies in Medicine found that Pilates was effective at diminishing pain intensity, minimizing disability, and improving function among individuals with chronic lower back pain. The study, conducted at the University of Jaén, in Spain, involved 98 individuals with chronic lower back pain. The baseline pain level for these participants ranged from 3 to 7 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most excruciating.

During the study, 34 individuals participated in a Pilates mat class and 34 in a Pilates apparatus group, while 30 people served as a control. Those participating in Pilates classes attended two 50-minute sessions weekly for 12 weeks. Assessments were conducted at baseline, halfway through, and at the end. In the end, the control group saw very little change in pain level, whereas the two Pilates groups reported pain that was about three levels lower.